Determining If A Child Care Center Can Meet Your Child's Special Needs


If your child has special needs, you understand how difficult it can be to find a care provider who can meet your child's needs. Below are three things to look for in a child care center and how they can help you decide whether they can adequately meet your child's needs. Understanding One of the biggest things that parents with special needs children deal with is lack of understanding from the community around them.

12 June 2015

Warm Weather Items Your Child Needs In Their Daycare Bag


As the weather gets warmer, you need to rethink the items that you pack in your child's daycare bag. It is time to swap out all your child's cold weather gear with gear more suited for warm weather. Extra Clothing If your child has not been potty trained yet, it is always a good idea to keep an extra change of clothes in a labeled zip-lock bag. If you haven't changed out the extra set of clothing you keep at daycare since this past fall, it is time to change out the items.

9 June 2015

3 Things You Should Ask Your Child's New Preschool Teacher


Sending your young child to a new preschool can be a little scary, especially if you are a first-time parent. In addition to coaxing them into leaving your side, you might also worry about what they will be taught, how they will be treated, and how well they will get along with the other kids. Fortunately, you might be able to stay on the same page with your child's new teacher by asking the right questions.

26 May 2015